Hero - Our app for communication, connection and student achievements.
ALL school communication is through Hero.
If you have not yet downloaded the app yet - simply click the button below and you can do that right now.
Our vision is for every parent or caregiver to have this app on their phones.
Here you will find our weekly newsletter, school calendar, important contacts and you also have the ability to log in absences.
Select your preferred way to log in to HERO
Log in via a web browser (https://our.linc-ed.com/)
Log in via the HERO app – iPhone App Store or Android Google Play
Select “New User”
Your account has been set up by our school using the email address that you provided when you enrolled your children.
Please use this address to request a password.
If you are unsure sure which email address you used, please contact the school office via email.
Add your email address
Select the “Request Password Link”
Check your email
Hero will send you an email with a link to follow.
Follow the link
This will take you to a secure page to enter your chosen password.
Return to the app to login
Enter in your email and new password
Hero - How to book a Connect Meeting
If you are new to using Hero, here is a how to guide to booking your Connect Meetings with your child’s teacher:
Here are the other apps we use in our school.
Kindo is used for purchasing things in the school. For example; school lunches are ordered and paid for via the KINDOshop.
See Saw is used by children on a daily basis. Parents and caregivers can log in and stay involved in their child’s learning journey.