Learning sites
Here you will find links to your child’s Kāinga learning site. These sites are filled with lots of real time teaching and learning.
Digital Learning
At Paparoa Street School we believe that digital technologies should be used as the best tool for the job and where possible to create rather than consume content. We want it to fit in with our values of belonging, kindness, passion and bravery.
“Learning activities integrate digital technologies appropriately to develop digital literacy and support authentic, higher-order, collaborative learning that is student centred, personalised and differentiated.”
We use digital devices to support and enhance learning and teaching at Paparoa Street.
At Paparoa Street School, digital learning IS NOT: gaming, typing up writing, digital practice worksheets. It is not a substitution for a pen or pencil. IT IS re-defining learning in ways not previously possible.
Digital learning addresses three key principles of 21st Century learning:
Accessibility & Equity
Personalisation & Agency
We are a future focused school that runs a range of digital platforms across the school to support learning. Digital technology is an important aspect of preparing our children to participate, create and thrive in this fast-moving digital world. Here at Paparoa Street Primary we are redefining learning and achievement by developing confidence and skill in the use of various digital technologies by increasing student engagement, global readiness and most importantly developing digital citizenship.
All teachers in every classroom at Paparoa Street Primary understand the importance of a balance between traditional learning (reading, writing and maths using books, paper and pencils) and the use of digital technology. This means students will be on devices when they are the best way for them to access or share their learning. This will vary according to age and stage across the school. As educators, we ensure we teach our children the appropriate digital skills and digital citizenship values from Year 1 onwards. We also ensure our children are using devices ergonomically by providing ergonomic surroundings with the use of flexible learning spaces and teaching them about screen time, viewing distances, seat and height posture etc.
While we have a fleet of school owned devices we also run Bring Your Own Device within the school. This is for all children but is at parents discretion and is more likely to be in place for children in Years 3-6.
Bring your own device (BYOD)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) allows the children Years 3-6 at Paparoa Street School the opportunity to bring their own device to school for personal learning and to take home for extended learning outside the classroom. With the combination of BYOD and school Chromebooks, we are aiming for 1 device for every child from years 3-6. In addition to this, classes also have iPads for researching and using educational apps as well as robotics equipment etc.
We have a partnership with Noel Leeming for purchasing new Chromebooks.
Internet safety
Keeping children safe online is something that needs to be considered both at school and at home. Our network is secure and we talk to chilldren about the process to follow should they come across objectionable material while working online. Usually this involves closing the screen and talking to a teaching immediately.
Here are some tools should you wish to discuss internet safety at home.
Netsafe – this is the first stop for safe internet use in New Zealand
Netsafe Parent Toolkit – tools specific to keeping your child safe when online at home
Kiddle – is a kids safe and friendly search engine (rather than google)
Be Internet Awesome – a site to work through with your child to increase their awareness and capability when online