Literacy at Paparoa Street School gives students access to the understanding, knowledge, and skills they need to participate fully in their learning. Our school has developed a strong literacy curriculum that focuses on the differentiation of learning for all students, the understanding of learning styles and uses authentic integrated contexts.
We want all our students to be active and successful participants in oral, written and visual communication, students who are able to question, think deeply and critically as they learn.
We are very fortunate to have a very experienced team of specialist teachers who work in the school every Wednesday. These part time teachers offer specialist learning opportunities in the Arts - Music, Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, and in Physical Education and Health. These curriculum areas are also integrated into classroom learning at other times of the week.
We employ a Learning Activator whose job is to provide children with opportunities to follow their passion in areas that may be parallel to Core curriculum and Inquiry learning. Current long-term projects run by the Learning Activator include School Media Team who report on school events, Beekind - who care for and manage our school beehives, EPro8 teams who work on problem solving through the use of STEM technologies, Minecraft for education which is learning through programming, coding and design and Kiwi Competitions which is external academic competitions in the areas of English, Mathematics and Science.
Our Learning Activator will run new projects each year and align these to our inquiry learning theme.
At Paparoa Street School, our expectation is that all children have the opportunity to engage daily in challenging maths tasks, have their mathematical thinking heard and valued, believe in themselves as mathematicians and experience success through a variety of group and individual tasks.
Our mathematics programme focuses on the teaching of number and algebra, and the strands of statistics, geometry and measurement, while developing students maths practices and problem solving capabilities through a variety of rich tasks and small group teaching.
At Paparoa Street School we want all students and staff to Flourish. Through all learning we aim to increase flourishing and wellbeing. We promote:
positive emotions through creativity, sharing of passions and reflection
engagement through student-directed learning
positive relationships through collaboration, enhancing communication skills and mediated relationship building activities
gaining meaning through authentic learning experiences
individual goal setting and reflection to acknowledge accomplishments
Click here to read more.
Te Reo Māori.
We have a genuine commitment being clearly identifiable as a New Zealand School. This means we value the strengthening of te reo and tikanga Māori for both our staff and our learners. All of our children participate in kapahaka learning from
New Entrants and we have a strong performance group who support our school and our kaupapa. You can access resources to help your own learning and understanding on our Te reo mini-site, please click here.
Online Learning.
Paparoa Street Primary School is a future focused school that runs a range of digital platforms across the school to support learning. Digital technology is an important aspect of preparing our children to participate, create and thrive in this fast-moving digital world. Here at Paparoa Street Primary we are redefining learning and achievement by developing confidence and skill in the use of various digital technologies by increasing student engagement, global readiness and most importantly developing digital citizenship. Click here to read more.
Our school library is a rich resource of information and a special place for exploring great children’s literature as well as a place for relaxation. We invite parents to visit the library and share in our parent library resources. Families can access our library website for great reading recommendations and children can participate in our unique weekly “Caught Reading” experience.
Itinerant Learning Opportunities.
We have a number of itinerant teachers that provide extracurricular activity onsite at our school both during the school day and after school hours. These opportunities include Music, Drama, Robotics and construction and Languages. If you would like your child to participate in any of these opportunities please contact the teachers directly.